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Dear Community,

In honour of the Waldorf Hundred Year Anniversary, we welcome you to participate in a Parent Study Group.


September 13

October 4

November 8

December 13

Time: 9 - 10:00 am

Where: Meadowroom of the Waldorf Academy - Please sign in at the front desk.

Our Parent Study Group is warmly open to all parents and friends in our community who would like to know more about Waldorf education

and the ideas that stand behind it.

We are beginning a study of “The Education of the Child in the Light of Spiritual Science” by Rudolf Steiner.

This was the first lecture Rudolf Steiner gave in 1909 of the ideas that formed Waldorf education ten years later. All interested people are encouraged and welcomed to come.

We read the lecture together and stop whenever there is interest to question and discuss. No previous familiarity with these ideas is presumed or required.

There is a free ebook available for download. If you would like to order a hardcopy or have any questions please contact Jennifer Deathe

Link to free ebook:

Read some extra concepts on this topic at: Toronto Waldorf Academy

If you want to know more about our educational programs contact us

Waldorf Academy

250 Madison Ave, Toronto, ON M4V 2W6
